Diamond T. - Quilt Finished in 2006
Born: November 17, 1988
Illness: Acute Lymphocytic Denise

Diamond T.'s Story
written by mom Denise

My story began on November 17th 1988... When my sweet little Diamond came into my life.  She had the prettiest strawberry red hair and a smile that lit up a room, as you can see she still has it.  She was and still is, the most caring, loving, silliest little Dime I know.

Diamond was first diagnosed at age 2½.  She had been crying about a belly ache.  Now you really have to know my Dime never cried, so I knew something was wrong.  I took her to the local hospital in Florida where we lived at the time.  Little did we know what was headed our way.  They had us at the hospital for about a week.  They knew something was wrong but was not sure of what.  They had sent us to a special cancer center.  Where they would do a bone-marrow test on her.  My poor girl cried "I want to go home"!

We waited an hour, little did we know the horrible news we were about to receive.  My daughter Diamond was diagnosed with ALL (Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia) and they told us she would need 2 years of chemotherapy.  Diamond did great on treatment.  I have to say it went really well.  She was funny as long as you were willing to play all day, everything was great in her eyes.  We went 10 years cancer free!!!

Diamond was a freshman in high school.  Great student, lots of friends and now 2 younger brothers, Brandon and Logan who she loves.  Well, one day, I would have to say March 12 of 2003 my Diamond came home from school, again with belly ache and fever.  We went to our local hospital in Haverhill.  We had moved here when she was 3 to be closer to family.  When you go through something like cancer you need all the support of your family.  So while we were in the hospital they did the usual blood test.  They had us there about 7 hours.  I could tell something was wrong.  I got the poor sympathy looks and I felt like I did when she was 2½.

They sent us back to Boston where Dime had her treatments when she was little, "HOME SWEET HOME".  They told us that Diamond had a relapse of her Leukemia and that she would need 2 more years of chemotheraphy.  She was 14 and her beautiful red hair (everyone knew her as the girl with the red hair) now has no hair.  Still beautiful and has that great smile.  So she was back in Boston having her treatment where they remember her and love her.  It is easy to do once you meet her.

She has always amazed me by her courage and positive attitude.  I am very proud of her and all that she has done and will do in life.  Now getting ready to end her treatment getting her driver's license going to her Junior Prom... Diamond is challenged once again.  On the very last day of her treatment March 30th, 2005 her cancer came back again, can you believe it???

So now we are told that her only chance is to have a Bone Marrow Transplant.  We also have been told that my son is not a match, therefore we had to get into the Donor's Program and wait to see what they can fine for her.  Luckily enough, 2 weeks later, which I have been told is pretty fast.  "WE HAVE A MATCH", a 26 year male had been contacted and will be ready for the 1st week of June.  Finally some good news, my baby will have a second chance of life.  If anyone can do it she can!!  I know her great spirit will get her through this.  Diamond has a lot of plans in life and whales to train (that has been her dream since she was a little girl to be a whale trainer) please keep her in your prayers and thank you for taking the time to read our story.

Written by Diamond's mom Denise in May 2005