Hannah K. - Quilt Finished in 2008
Born: November 27, 1996
Illness: Sarcoma in the soft tissue of the arm

Hannah's Story
Written by Hannah's mom in August 2007

Hannah was born with a mass in her right forearm.  At the age of two weeks we were sent to Chicago where, for the next two years, we watched it.  At age 2 they did a biopsy and were not sure if it was malignant.  We left Chicago and went to the Mayo Clinic.  Within two days they told us it was not cancer, it was Fibromitosis. We went back every two years for MRIs and the mass was getting smaller.  In 2005, it had stayed the same.  In April of 2007 we noticed a large mass sitting on the old Fibromitosis.  We immediately went to Mayo where more MRIs and another biopsy revealed it to be a sarcoma, cancer.  They sent it to the Children's Oncology Group who agreed that the tumor was a sarcoma.  They are unable to classify it as a specific kind other than soft tissue sarcoma.

Since then our world has been halted.  We moved in to the Ronald McDonald house in Rochester, MN. Hannah has had 4 rounds of chemotherapy and 25 days of radiation.  On August 14 she underwent surgery.  At this point, they are not sure if she will be able to keep her arm.  Following surgery she is expected to have 3 to 4 more rounds of chemotherapy. 

My daughter has been quite amazing through this journey.  We all trust in our Lord, Jesus Christ to see us through.  He alone will give us the strength and courage to move forward each day.  We have learned each day is His gift to us and we must live and love as best we can.