Jacen E. - Quilt Finished in 2007
Born: March 8 2007
Illness: Dislocated hips/hip Displasia

Jacen's Story
written by mom Melissa in 2007

We had tried for 3 years to have another baby and were thrilled when we found out we were expecting again... Jacen was born March 8, 2007 via c-section. He was breech (had been from 4 1/2 months into the pregnacy on). At birth his legs were at a odd angle. I thought was normal as I had never had a c-section before.

The dr did the usual "hip/ baby" check and found his hips "clicked". They did a xray and found both his hips/bones were 100% dislocated. The bone wasn't even near the socket. We we refered to UC Davis medical in Sacramento where at 1 week old he had ultrasound and xrays to confirm that the hips were dislocated. This is a very scary thing to tell a new monther let me tell you.

He was put in a Pavlik harness as a newborn to hopefully help the legs. The harness hold his legs up in a froglike  position and spread open.  Jacen can't kick his legs due to being in the harness 24/7 which frustrates him. We go to the Dr. every 2 weeks to check and hopefully see progress, at this point there has been none, the next step will be surgury and a spica cast.