Katie K. - Quilt Finished in 2001
Born: May 24, 1994
Illness: Stage IV Neuroblastoma with cancer in the bones, especially spine and bone marrow

A Special Thank You From Katie's Mommy!

Hello, Cathy,  I wanted to send a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone involved in making Katie's quilt.  Last Friday, Vicki S. and Vicki P.arrived with the quilt, along with Pat Carson and Carol.  Mike and I were both home so we got to see our little girl receive her quilt.  I would love for you to share this e-mail with everyone at Love Quilts.

Vicki and Vicki arrived a little early, just as Katie was coming home with Daddy.  Katie was very full of herself that day - starving for a snack and performing for our guests.  After a few minutes, Carol and Pat arrived and Katie received her quilt.  It really took our breath away.  Katie immediately curled up in it.  Our little puppy liked it a lot, too!  There were two beautiful pillows, also.  Katie chose "pink" as her theme and the squares were gorgeous together.  None of us can keep our eyes off it.  We took bunches of pictures of it.

I told Vicki that it seemed like so long ago that we were talking about Katie getting a quilt, yet it also seemed like yesterday.  Cancer is a lot like that - it can seem so fresh in your mind sometimes yet be ages away.  Katie has been a cancer survivor for almost 19 months now.  Your tribute to her with this quilt is really amazing.  Thank you again - all the stitchers and organizers will have a special place in our hearts forever.  You are all amazing givers - of time, talent and love!  Words really fail for things like this.  Thanks!!!!
Michele, Katie's mom


A Special Note From Pat Carson (of Gloria & Pat) 

Pat was there to help deliver Katie's quilt and she also stitched a square for this quilt.  She wanted this note shared with all the stitchers.

Dear Cathy,

I want you and all the ladies who help stitch for these dear children to know how much I admire you all. I was thrilled when asked to help deliver a quilt to Katie last Friday here in Sumter, South Carolina. My assistant,Carol Hoshour, and I met Vicki at Katie's home and spent some time with the family admiring all the "48" squares in the quilt. I was so honored to have so many of the designs come from my books.  I especially like the way many of you changed the colors to fit Katie's theme. I hope you will get to see the pictures that Vicki took and know that the room was filled lots of love for this sweet little girl. She touched all our hearts and it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling to know that when she wraps herself up in that beautiful blanket, it will be like all of you putting your arms around Katie too!!  I want you to know that I will personally let Sam Butcher know about this special project. He will touched by the out pouring of love you all have for these children. I am so grateful for Precious Moments and want you to know that these designs have given me many opportunities to share the message of loving, caring and sharing with stitchers all over the world.

My God bless your efforts and remember that you all "count" with me.

Pat Carson
Designs by Gloria & Pat, Inc.

Katie's Story
written by mom Michele

Katie was born on May 25th, 1994 but we were lucky enough to actually become her parents on October 11th, 1996. Katie was adopted and it was the happiest day of all of our lives when she moved in. She was a happy, healthy toddler and we spent the next three years just enjoying our new family.

In August 1999, Katie developed several symptoms including fatigue, weight loss, huge fevers, and a strange limp. On October 1st, 1999, Katie was diagnosed with Stage IV Neuroblastoma. She had a large tumor in her abdomen that was wrapping around her spine and aorta. She had metastasis in all of her long bones, and her bone marrow was completely filled with cancer. She was a very, very sick little girl.

Katie began chemotherapy immediately and it actually improved her life. The tumor started to shrink, and she felt more like herself. After three rounds of chemo, her tumor had shrunk by 60% and her bone marrow was completely clear. She had another round of chemo, then her stem cells were taken to preserve for her later transplant. She had surgery in January 2000 to remove the tumor, her right adrenal gland, and several lymph nodes. Katie developed pneumonia after surgery and lost the use of half of her right kidney, but eventually recovered and headed for more chemo and radiation.

In March 2000, Katie had an Autologous stem cell transplant. She spent almost 30 days in the hospital, and then dealt with somnolence syndrome (she slept all the time!) for most of that summer. She also began taking accutane - the last part of her treatment.

Katie began back to school in August 2000 in first grade, without skipping a beat. We were able to take a trip to Hawaii in December 2000 with the Make-A-Wish Foundation, and it was great. Katie consistently tested clean for cancer since she finished treatment in December 2000, something that made us all very happy. In August 2001, Katie started second grade, her hair and her energy were back, and best of all - she got a brand new sister. Erika moved in with us in May 2001, and also through the incredible experience of adoption.

On February 22nd, 2006, Katie came home and complained that her arm hurt. It was very strange. She has been completely healthy, in fact, wonderfully so - and she never complains. Three weeks later the diagnosis was confirmed – relapsed Neuroblastoma. She had a small tumor in her right lower arm, and some bone marrow disease.

For much of 2006, she received chemotherapy at our home hospital, then she began an experimental chemotherapy at the NIH (National Institutes of Health) in Bethesda, MD. Her cancer was the easy part to deal with. She had many infections, pneumonia, and problems during this time, but around Christmas 2006, things started to even out and she was doing fantastically well.

In February 2007, we believe Katie has progressed again with more tumors in her armpit (lymph nodes) and a new spot on her skull. Still, she has a zest for life that few people without cancer have. We are looking for another treatment option, but know that God will guide us to what will be right for Katie and our family.

Katie has inspired many people, most of all her parents, to enjoy life. She is truly a gift from God.