^^Angel^^ Michaela B. - Quilt Finished in 2004
Born: January 3, 1990 - Passed: August 20, 2004
Illness: Fibrolamellar Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Michaela's Story
written by mom Shelly

Michaela Lynn was born January 3rd, 1990 weighing in at 1 pound 7 ounces. She was born at 28 weeks. She spent the first almost 8 months in the hospital and was in and out of the hospital over the next 5 years. She had a lung disease called BPD, and also mild CP. We had been seeing many doctors over her short life until then, including bi-annual trips to the Shriner's Hospital.

After seeing several doctors, because Michaela wasn't growing or gaining weight, we were sent to see a gastro doctor who ordered an ultrasound and an upper GI. The ultrasound didn't look right, so she was sent for a CT Scan instead, and 8 hours later, we felt like we were hit by a Mack truck. Our little world as we knew it changed on May 19th, 2003 never to be the same again.

The diagnosis was Fibrolamellar Hepatocellular Carcinoma (rare liver cancer). This type of cancer is usually caused by the hepatitis virus, but it was not the case for Michaela. We aren't sure how she got it, or for how long she had it. The only way to get rid of this cancer was surgery. So on May 27th, 2003 she was wheeled into surgery to remove the left half of her liver and surrounding affected lymph nodes. The surgery was supposed to take at least 10 hours. When the surgeon came out after only 2 hours, we knew that the news wasn't going to be good. She was given 6 months to live by the surgeon at that point. Michaela's oncologist, Dr. Linda Stout spent the next 2 days on the phone and internet searching to find us some hope. That hope came from Hong Kong via St. Jude's. We spent the next 6 months going through chemo to try to shrink the tumor and lymph nodes.

On November 18th, 2003, Michaela again went into surgery. The surgeon this time was successful in that he got the entire left side of the liver and tumor and all lymph nodes that he could see and feel. This was the longest 8 hours of our lives. On December 18th, 2003 we went back in for a CT Scan and more cancerous lymph nodes are detected, so 6 more months of chemo were planned. Chemo might help shrink and prevent the spread of this cancer, but it won't kill it.

Michaela went through her 7th round of chemo the first week of January 2004, and it has really wreaked havoc on her poor little body this time. They told us with each round it would get worse. This was definitely not something to look forward to, but God brought us that far, and we were sure he would be with us every step of the way. Michaela had always been a fighter, she proved that on the day that she was born, and she had more faith than most people I know, but all the extra prayers always made a difference....

We continued trying 3 more different kinds of chemo and to no avail, the lymph nodes continued to grow. We went to Minneapolis for a second opinion and were told that there really wasn't anything left, except to keep trying different chemos, but they couldn't give any guarantees that any of them would work. We left the final decision up to Michaela, and she chose to try one more chemo that was actually used as a treatment for the other kind of liver cancer. Again, the lymph nodes fought the chemo and continued to grow.

Michaela went into the hospital for the final time on July 12th, 2004 and we were told that her kidneys were starting to shut down and that there wasn't much time left. That last chemo that we tried, pretty much was the beginning of the end. Michaela and the rest of the kids were told the news, and we got her pain under control with the help of a pain pump. She was released from the hospital on July 16th, 2004 and from then on lived her life to the fullest.

Michaela did most everything that she wanted to do with the time she had left. We had a prom/celebration of life dance for her, and her prince Chance was able to fly in to be her escort. The joy in her eyes to have him here said it all. She also drove, went swimming, shopping, registered for high school, and visited with family and friends up until the very end.

Michaela lived her life more concerned about others than herself, and tried to counsel all of us on God's plan. She taught me and many others the true meaning of love and faith and many other lessons. Her legacy will live on and her memory never forgotten. Michaela was truly a HERO in every sense of the word. She touched many more lives than we ever realized, and was a remarkable disciple of the Lord.

On August 20th at around 5:00pm Michaela peacefully, without any suffering, received her wings and made her journey to heaven. Being a mother, and it happening in a split second, I was not ready, so we took her to the hospital, and for selfish reasons made them bring her back so that we all could say good-bye. I am thankful for that time!!! Then around 9:00pm, her body decided that it was time and it shut itself down. About 30 seconds after she passed, the lullaby song came on over the loudspeaker, which in our hospital, means that a new baby had been born. Several family members went up to the nursery to see the new baby (a premature little girl) Many family members took this as a sign from Michaela that she was alright. (After all, she was a preemie also)

We had a beautiful wake service and funeral for our little sweetheart, that was shared by many. The funeral procession stretched on for over a mile. A school bus was also in the procession and it carried 320 pink balloons to the cemetery to be released in Michaela's honor. Although we miss her more than words can say, it has truly been our honor to be able to share her with all of you!

May God continue to bless all of us.
Our love, Shelly, Bob and Family