Yasmin N. - Quilt Finished in 2008
Born: August 27, 1997
Illness: Autism

Yasmin's Story
Written by Yasmin's mom in May 2008

Yassey was born weighing 9 lbs. and 12 oz. no problem or complication during delivery. Everything was going along just fine until about three months after her two year old shots.  I noticed she was not saying as many word as she us to.  I called her doctor he sent us to the health department for a speech evaluation which lead to an all day evaluation at Amos Cottage.  She was 2 and 1/2 at this time.  They labeled her as PPD which a big umbrella for developmental delays until about age three when it was change Serve Autism after another 4 hour evaluation by the school system. The school system recommended the all day pre school program for her receive speech and socialization.  It was really hard leaving my non verbal, newly diagnosed daughter in the hands of strangers.  Needless to say, I spent a lot of time at the school since I worked second shift at the hospital.  I spent so much time at the school that other parents of typical kids thought I worked at the school.

We changed schools for K-5 again I spent a lot of time at the school for the first two months to make sure that my baby was okay.  She did fine it was then I noticed that not all parents of Autistic kids are the same.  Yassey was the only girl and the only one potty trained.  I credit that task to her pre school teacher who told me to treat her like I treat my son.

By third grade we discovered that she had a very large vocabulary of words and started the procedure to get her a communication device.  Between fighting with the school and the insurance company it was worth the fight to see her type in MOMMY and push speak.  Now she is able to verbalize MOMMY to get what she wants from me.

Now my Yassey is 10 yrs old heading off to Middle school for Special need kids.  So this will be a new challenge for your family and her.  She has been at her current school for five years, everyone there knows her and they looked out for her. The new school is on the other side of town.