Zakki S. - Quilt Finished in 2002
Born: March 1, 1994
Illness: Complex Heart and Lung Disease - Congenital heart disease, recurrent lung hemorrhages, immunosuppressed, vascular fragility, stroke (left hemiplegia, status seizures, arachnoid cyst)

A Special Thank You From Zakki's Family!

(Background from LQ - Zakki hadn't been doing well in the days leading up to the arrival of his quilt.  His mother wrote in an update the day before it arrived... "Zakki is in heart, lung and liver failure but they don't know why... His liver has been enlarged off and on throughout the years but never this distended and uncomfortable for him so I don't know what to do to help him feel better. Wanting to plan a great big beautiful tomorrow and hoping we soon can...")

Email dated January 18, 2003
Zakki received his quilt yesterday!!  It is the MOST beautiful handwork I have ever seen.  The panels cross stitched from around the world is what got me crying.  That all of these people did this for Zakki, it is so special.  We are ALL so touched by everyone's kindness, even my oldest son is so touched by this.  I can't even find the right words to type, say.  He loves the Hercules pillow - he carried it around the rest of the day and slept on it last night.  I was a little nervous because I'm not sure if it can be washed but it means so much to him.  He woke up this morning and said he slept so well because of the Hercules pillow... sigh.  He in fact did not need oxygen last night and had much less stomach pain so maybe being wrapped up in more hugs than mine is what helped!!  I used to cross stitch myself - before my 16 year old was born I did several bear things for his room, pictures, pillows.  I know the work that goes into making these things and the ones on Zakki's quilt are all so perfect.  I keep going to look at the quilt and I'm just awed where all the squares came from around the world.  It is amazing to me!!  I would like to thank every single person individually who helped to make Zakki's quilt and pillows but I don't know if that's possible, but you sure may pass on this email if that is possible.  Thank you so much for your warmth and caring and stitched "hugs".
Zakki's mom